Dinner Etiquette: Baby vs Dad
← Return to Dinner Etiquette: Baby vs Dad
- April 16, 2020 by Apollo5VR#virtual reality, #desktop, #Multiplayer, #Network**(4.15 UPDATE) Now 2 Versions Exist: Local Multiplayer & Network Multiplayer (for anyone stuck inside because COVID-19). If looking to play local with a friend (on the same computer), download " Dinn... Continue reading
- March 15, 2020 by Apollo5VR#vr, #unity, #game, #oculus riftWe're working on adding in an AI mode for the Dad player (Desktop), so that VR player can play solo vs Dad AI. Nearly there!... Continue reading
- March 08, 2020 by Apollo5VR#multiplayer, #network, #vrExtending gameplay to network multiplayer soon! (currently only local multiplayer) Keep ears open... Continue reading